# System Configuration

Creating a custom configuration ease the task for a developer or any non-developer person. Generally, in Bagisto, you can find it in admin panel Configuration Menu.

# Steps to create custom configuration

  • To create a custom configuration for your application, you just need to create a system.php file in the Config folder of your package.

  • Inside the file, you can include the code below,

    return [
            'key' => 'helloworld',
            'name' => 'Hello World',
            'sort' => 1
        ], [
            'key' => 'helloworld.settings',
            'name' => 'Custom Settings',
            'sort' => 1,
        ], [
            'key' => 'helloworld.settings.settings',
            'name' => 'Custom Groupings',
            'sort' => 1,
            'fields' => [
                    'name' => 'status',
                    'title' => 'Status',
                    'type' => 'boolean',
                    'channel_based' => true,
                    'locale_based' => false

# Explanation for the keys

  • key : This key accept the unique value and nested with '.' (dot) operator.

  • name : This key accept the value as a placeholder for your configuration. Generally, in Bagisto, we consider writing it using translation.

  • sort : This key accept the sort position for the configuration menu.

  • fields : This key accept the array for the value of the custom configuration.

  • We need to merge these custom config also,

    namespace ACME\HelloWorld\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class HelloWorldServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
         * Register services.
         * @return void
        public function register()
                dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/admin-menu.php', 'menu.admin'
                dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/acl.php', 'acl'
                dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/system.php', 'core'
  • Run this command i.e. php artisan optimize.

  • Now, check the configuration,

    Admin ACL Output

# Supported Field Types

There are several field types supported by the Bagisto. Let us know all of them,

  • Text Type
  • Number Type
  • Boolean Type
  • Select Type
  • Textarea Type
  • Image Type

Let's get started with the first one.

# Text Type

This field type will give you the input field of type text.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'          => 'text_type',
                'title'         => 'admin::app.admin.system.text-type',
                'type'          => 'text',
                'default_value' => '',

# Number Type

This field type will give you the input field of type number.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'  => 'number_type',
                'title' => 'admin::app.admin.system.number-type',
                'type'  => 'number',

# Boolean Type

This field type will give you the enable/disable switch.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'          => 'boolean_type',
                'title'         => 'admin::app.admin.system.boolean-type',
                'type'          => 'boolean',

# Select Type

This field type will give you the select field with mentioned options.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'          => 'select_type',
                'title'         => 'admin::app.admin.system.select-type',
                'type'          => 'select',
                'options'       => [
                        'title' => 'option_1',
                        'value' => 'value_1',
                    ], [
                        'title' => 'option_2',
                        'value' => 'vallue_2',

# Textarea Type

This field type will give you the textarea field mostly used for long text.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'          => 'textarea_type',
                'title'         => 'admin::app.admin.system.textarea-type',
                'type'          => 'textarea'

# Image Type

This field type will give you the file upload option for uploading the images.

# Example

return [
        'key'    => 'general.general.custom-types',
        'name'   => 'admin::app.admin.system.custom-types',
        'sort'   => 1,
        'fields' => [
                'name'          => 'image_type',
                'title'         => 'admin::app.admin.system.image-type',
                'type'          => 'image',
                'validation'    => 'mimes:bmp,jpeg,jpg,png,webp',