# Create models

# Create model by using Bagisto Package Generator

  • This command will create a following files,

    • New model class in packages/ACME/HelloWorld/src/Models directory.
    • New model proxy class in packages/ACME/HelloWorld/src/Models directory.
    • New model contract in packages/ACME/HelloWorld/src/Contracts directory.

    php artisan package:make-model User ACME/HelloWorld

# Create model by normal laravel commands

  • Models typically live in the app directory, but you are free to place them anywhere that can be auto-loaded according to your composer.json file. All Eloquent models extend Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class.

  • The simple way to create a model is executing the command make:model artisan command,

    php artisan make:model User

  • After creating model, to generate database migration, you may append --migration or -m option artisan command as stated below,

    php artisan make:model User --migration php artisan make:model User -m