# Access control list

In addition to providing authentication services out of the box, Bagisto also provides a functionality ACL (Access Control List).

With this feature the administrator can allow/disallow other users to access parts of Bagisto.

# Create a new ACL file

Create a new file named acl.php in your package Config folder, for example, packages/ACME/HelloWorld/src/Config and add the following code.


return [
        'key' => 'helloworld',
        'name' => 'HelloWorld',
        'route' => 'helloworld.admin.index',
        'sort' => 2

If you check the above code we have created an array for an individual's menu with the parameters (key, name, route & sort).

Just like that, we need to define the menu here which we want to include in our ACL.

# Merge configuration

After that, we need to merge the ACL config also just like we have done with menu items,


namespace ACME\HelloWorld\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class HelloWorldServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
   * Register services.
   * @return void
    public function register()
            dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/admin-menu.php', 'menu.admin'

            dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/acl.php', 'acl'

After setting up, just run this command php artisan optimize to cached the latest changes.

Now check the latest ACL.

Admin ACL Output

# Checking roles and permissions

  • If you check the Admin model in the namespace Webkul\User\Models, you will see the relationship binding with the Role model in the same namespace. From here you can grab all the permissions of the current user.

  • We have provided the bouncer() helper, which helps you to check the permissions. Let's check the current user has permission or not,
