# Views

To learn in detail about Views, you can visit the Laravel documentation here (opens new window).

# Directory Structure

  • Create a Resources folder in the packages/Webkul/Blog/src path. Inside the Resources folder, create another folder named views. Now, inside the views folder, we need to create two folders, namely admin and shop. Finally, we need to create two more folders, namely default and velocity, under the shop folder. The updated directory structure will look like this:

    └── packages
        └── Webkul
            └── Blog
                └── src
                    ├── ...
                    └── Resources
                        └── views
                            ├── admin
                            └── shop
                                ├── default
                                └── velocity

    The default and velocity folders

    Whenever you create a Blade file for the shop front, you need to keep the same file in both the default and velocity folders. This is because we are using the theme middleware. When we use the default theme, the files will be called from the default folder, and when we use the velocity theme, the files will be called from the velocity folder.


    In this tutorial, we are using the theme middleware and the velocity theme. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the files in the velocity folder. However, if we are not using the default theme, it is not necessary to keep the same files in the default folder.

  • Inside each folder, admin and velocity, create a file named index.blade.php and add some HTML to it.

    └── packages
        └── Webkul
            └── Blog
                └── src
                    ├── ...
                    └── Resources
                        └── views
                            ├── admin
                            │   └── index.blade.php
                            └── shop
                                ├── default
                                └── velocity
                                    └── index.blade.php
    • admin/index.blade.php

      <h2>Blog Admin Page</h2>
    • shop/velocity/index.blade.php

      <h2>Blog Shop Page</h2>

# Load Views from Package

  • Now, we need to register our views in the service provider's boot method. Open the file packages/Webkul/Blog/src/Providers/BlogServiceProvider.php and update it as follows:

    namespace Webkul\Blog\Providers;
    use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
    class BlogServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
        * Bootstrap services.
        * @return void
        public function boot()
            $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../Resources/views', 'blog');
  • Now, check the routes in your browser.

    Shop Output

    Shop Browser Output

    Admin Output

    Admin Browser Output