# Layouts

To learn in detail about Layouts, you can visit the Laravel documentation here (opens new window).

# Extend Admin Layout

Now, let's extend the default layout of the Bagisto admin panel by using @extends('admin::layouts.master') in the file packages/Webkul/Blog/src/Resources/views/admin/index.blade.php. You can copy the following template to your index.blade.php file:


@section('page_title') {{ __('blog::app.admin.index.page-title') }} @stop


  <div class="content full-page dashboard">
      <div class="page-header">
          <div class="page-title">
              <h1>{{ __('blog::app.admin.index.page-title') }}</h1>
          <div class="page-action">
      <div class="page-content">


# Extend Shop Layout

Similarly, for the file packages/Webkul/Blog/src/Resources/views/shop/velocity/index.blade.php, you can extend the shop layout by using @extends('shop::layouts.master'). You can copy the following template to your index.blade.php file:


@section('page_title') {{ __('blog::app.shop.blogs.page-title') }} @stop


  <div class="content full-page">
      <div class="page-content">



Notice that there are translations used in the blade files, so you will also need to add the corresponding translations in lang/app.php.

If you don't want to include these layouts, you can create your own master file.