# Email Template

# Introduction

In this section, we will explain how to customize the email templates in Bagisto. Customizing email templates allows you to personalize the appearance of your emails according to your preferences.

# Email Template Flow

Before we dive into template customization, let's understand how email templates work in Bagisto.

Bagisto provides various mail notification classes, such as CancelOrderAdminNotification and NewCustomerNotification, located in the Webkul\Admin\Mail namespace. Let's take the CancelOrderAdminNotification class as an example.


namespace Webkul\Admin\Mail;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

class CancelOrderAdminNotification extends Mailable
    use Queueable, SerializesModels;

     * Order.
     * @var \Webkul\Sales\Contracts\Order
    public $order;

     * Constructor.
     * @param  \Webkul\Sales\Contracts\Order  $order
     * @return void
    public function __construct($order)
        $this->order = $order;

     * Build.
     * @return void
    public function build()
        return $this->from(core()->getSenderEmailDetails()['email'], core()->getSenderEmailDetails()['name'])

In the build() method of the above class, you can see that the main view file, view('shop::emails.sales.order-cancel-admin'), is loaded from the shop package.

Now, let's explore the view file mentioned in view('shop::emails.sales.order-cancel-admin'). If you check the file at the path packages/Webkul/Shop/src/Resources/views/emails/sales/order-cancel-admin.blade.php, you will find it. This view file uses the main layout component shop::emails.layouts.master.


This layout component is responsible for the overall email layout. If desired, you can explore this file as well. Now, let's proceed to learn how to change these email templates.

# Changing Email Template

To customize the email template, the recommended approach is to override the package's view. Since all email views are defined in the shop package, we need to override the view within the shop package.

Here's how you can override the view for the same file we mentioned above, view('shop::emails.sales.order-cancel-admin').

Bagisto registers two locations for views: the application's resources/themes directory specified in config/themes.php, and the directory you specify. If you are using the default theme, shop package, Bagisto will first check if a custom version of the view exists in the resources/themes/default directory. If the view has not been customized, Bagisto will then search the package's view directory.

To override the view, create the same directory structure in the application's resources/themes/default directory:

- resources/
  └── themes/
      └── default/
          └── views/
              └── emails/
                  └── sales/
                      └── order-cancel-admin.blade.php

For example, create a file named order-cancel-admin.blade.php within the sales directory, and modify its content as desired:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum porro cumque numquam neque dicta quo, accusantium, perferendis sed beatae nesc

    iunt eum impedit vel doloribus dolor excepturi vero tenetur perspiciatis saepe?

Now you can test the modified email template.

# Email Template Sample

Email Template Sample