# Best Security Practices

# Keep your software up-to-date

  • Using HTTPS (Google now uses HTTPS as a ranking factor).

  • Keep all software on the server up-to-date.

    • Bagisto
    • Database
    • Adminer/phpMyAdmin
    • Apache
    • Redis, etc.
  • Make sure the server operating system is up-to-date for available security patches.

  • Manage files only with secure communication protocols (SSH/ SFTP/ HTTPs), disable FTP.

  • [ .htaccess ] file to protect system files, when using apache webserver.

  • Disable unused ports, and stop services running unnecessarily.

  • Restrict access to certain IPs to the admin panel and use Admin logins with two-factor authorization.

  • Use of strong and unique passwords.

  • Use a properly configured and updated firewall between the payment card data and the public network.

# Limiting error messages


  • Edit your apache configuration file to avoid displaying server and os details.

  • Set “ServerSignature” to OFF as by default it is ON.

  • Add “ServerTokens Prod” to display Apache as product only.

# Allow admin access to certain IPs

  • Edit your .htaccess file with the following code
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST*URI} .*/admin
RewriteCond %{REMOTE*ADDR} !=<IP address>
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !=<IP address>
RewriteRule ^(.*)\$ - [R=403,L]
  • Review your server for development leftovers. Make sure there are no accessible "log files", ".git directories", "database dumps", "zip files".

# Restrict files with .git, .zip, .gz, and .sql extensions

  • Edit your .htaccess file
<FilesMatch "\.(git|zip|tar|sql)\$">
    Require all denied
  • Use a Web application firewall to analyze traffic and discover suspicious patterns such as credit card information being sent to an attacker.

  • Make sure only port 80 and 443 are publicly accessible and the rest of the ports are restricted.

# Restrict php execution inside storage directory

  • Edit your apache configuration file

    <Directory "~/www/bagisto/public/storage/">
        <FilesMatch "\.php\$">
            Require all denied
        php_flag engine off


    Don't forget to restart apache.

# Harden your server

  • Use of mod_security module to detect and prevent intrusions.

  • Use of mod_passive module to prevent brute force attack.

  • Allow only specific users to login.

  • Disable login to users with empty passwords.

  • Check iptable rules to prevent unauthorized access and activity.

  • Take regular backup of important files and also save them remotely in a secure environment.

# Use strong and unique passwords

  • Use strong and unique passwords, and change them periodically.


    Use password generator. (Password Generator (opens new window))

  • Limit access to the Bagisto admin by updating the whitelist with the IP address of each computer that is authorized to use the admin.

# Implementation of HTTP Security Headers

  • In addition, Headers play a key role in communication between the client and the server, some of them have been mentioned in order to enhance the web security.

# HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)

  • This response header will tell the browser that the application is only to be accessed using https instead of http.

    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=<expire-time>

# Cross Site Scripting Protection (X-XSS Protection)

  • This response header will enforce browsers to detect cross site scripting attacks and not to execute malicious js script in response.

    X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

# X-Frame-Options​

  • This response header enables the protection of applications against clickjacking. It tells the browser whether the content can be displayed within frames.

    X-Frame-Options: deny

# X-Content-Type-Options​

  • This header will force the browser to disable MIME sniffing.

  • MIME sniffing vulnerability occurs when an attacker uploads an HTML file as a different file type such as jpg.

    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

# Content Security Policy (CSP)

  • This response header allows application administrators to control resources that can be loaded in users' browsers and helps to detect and mitigate attacks such as xss, clickjacking.

# Continuous Logging And Monitoring

  • Likewise, monitor all access to the network and cardholder data environment.
  • Keep an eye on large volume orders for a single item from a new customer.
  • A series of orders, shipped to the same address using different payment methods.