# DataGrid

DataGrid is just a concept of displaying your database records in tabular format. We have implemented this in Bagisto either you can use it to display data in tabular format or write code from scratch to display data in tabular format. In addition to DataGrid, we have implemented additional features such as sorting, filtering, mass action. You may refer to the table below for detailed information about the features.

Let us take a sample of one DataGrid,


namespace Webkul\Admin\DataGrids;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Webkul\Ui\DataGrid\DataGrid;

class AttributeDataGrid extends DataGrid
     * The column that needs to be treated as an index column.
    protected $index = 'id';

     * For sorting order. `asc` or `desc`.
    protected $sortOrder = 'desc';

     * Prepare query builder.
    public function prepareQueryBuilder()
        $queryBuilder = DB::table('attributes')
            ->addSelect('id', 'code', 'admin_name', 'type', 'is_required', 'is_unique', 'value_per_locale', 'value_per_channel');


     * Add columns.
    public function addColumns()
            'index' => 'id',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.id'),
            'type' => 'number',
            'searchable' => false,
            'sortable' => true,
            'filterable' => true

            'index' => 'code',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.code'),
            'type' => 'string',
            'searchable' => true,
            'sortable' => true,
            'filterable' => true

            'index' => 'admin_name',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.admin-name'),
            'type' => 'string',
            'searchable' => true,
            'sortable' => true,
            'filterable' => true

            'index' => 'type',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.type'),
            'type' => 'string',
            'sortable' => true,
            'searchable' => true,
            'filterable' => true

            'index' => 'is_required',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.required'),
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'sortable' => true,
            'searchable' => false,
            'wrapper' => function ($value) {
                if ($value->is_required == 1)
                    return 'True';
                    return 'False';

            'index' => 'is_unique',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.unique'),
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'sortable' => true,
            'searchable' => false,
            'filterable' => true,
            'wrapper' => function ($value) {
                if ($value->is_unique == 1)
                    return 'True';
                    return 'False';

            'index' => 'value_per_locale',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.per-locale'),
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'sortable' => true,
            'searchable' => false,
            'filterable' => true,
            'wrapper' => function ($value) {
                if ($value->value_per_locale == 1)
                    return 'True';
                    return 'False';

            'index' => 'value_per_channel',
            'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.per-channel'),
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'sortable' => true,
            'searchable' => false,
            'filterable' => true,
            'wrapper' => function ($value) {
                if ($value->value_per_channel == 1)
                    return 'True';
                    return 'False';

     * Prepare actions.
    public function prepareActions()
            'title' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.edit'),
            'method' => 'GET',
            'route' => 'admin.catalog.attributes.edit',
            'icon' => 'icon pencil-lg-icon'

            'title' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.delete'),
            'method' => 'POST',
            'route' => 'admin.catalog.attributes.delete',
            'icon' => 'icon trash-icon'

     * Prepare mass actions.
    public function prepareMassActions()
            'type' => 'delete',
            'action' => route('admin.catalog.attributes.massdelete'),
            'label' => 'Delete',
            'method' => 'DELETE'

# Global properties of DataGrid

As you see the above sample Datagrid, now let us discuss some properties,

Name Functionality
index This property is defined in the grid, and the value assigned to this property must be unique i.e. id, so that data will be uniquely identified and operations performed will be based on your index value.
sortOrder The sortOrder key is used to arrange the results in ascending or descending order, we have to set the sort order variable to asc or desc.
queryBuilder It is used to perform database operations in your application.
enableMassAction This accepts boolean values true or false to enable or disable the mass action in Datagrid.
enableAction This accepts boolean values true or false to enable or disable the action column of Datagrid.
paginate While creating your grid file you have to declare paginate property and set it to true to allow pagination on your page.
itemsPerPage The itemsPerPage key is used to display the number of items per page.
enableFilterMap This accepts boolean values true or false to enable or disable the filter on the basis of columns.

# Steps to create DataGrid

You can create a DataGrid in two ways.

  1. By using Bagisto Package Generator (Recommended)
  2. By manually setting up all files (Expert Level)

# 1. By using Bagisto Package Generator

This command will create a new data grid class in packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Datagrids directory.,

php artisan package:make-datagrid TestDataGrid ACME/TestPackage

If data grid class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-datagrid TestDataGrid ACME/TestPackage --force

This will generate whole directory structures. You don't need to do manually.

# 2. By manually setting up all files

  1. We assume that you have created package let's say ACME\TestPackage with the below directory structure.
- ACME/TestPackage/
  - publishable/assets
    - css/
    - images/
    - js/
  - src/
    - Config/
      - acl.php
      - admin-menu.php
    - Console/
      - Commands/
    - Contracts/
    - Database/
      - Migrations/
      - Seeders/
    - Events/
    - Http/
      - Controllers/
        - Admin/
          - TestPackageController.php
        - Shop/
          - TestPackageController.php
      - Middleware/
      - Requests/
      - admin-routes.php
      - shop-routes.php
    - Listeners/
    - Mail/
    - Models/
    - Providers/
      - TestPackageServiceProvider.php
      - TestPackageProvider.php
    - Repositories/
    - Resources/
      - assets/
        - images/
        - js/
          - app.js
        - sass/
          - admin.scss
          - default.scss
          - velocity.scss
      - lang/
      - views/
        - admin/
          - layouts/
            - style.blade.php
          - index.blade.php
        - shop/
          - default/
            - index.blade.php
          - velocity/
            - index.blade.php
  - package.json
  - webpack.mix.js
  1. Create a folder Datagrids in your package inside src folder, inside Datagrids folder, create a class let's say TestDataGrid.php that extends DataGrid class from Webkul Ui package.

  2. We have created DataGrid abstract class in Webkul Ui package. In the DataGrid abstract class, a list of properties and methods are declared. So, while creating your own DataGrid you need to only extends the Webkul\Ui\DataGrid\DataGrid abstract class inside your TestDataGrid.php class.

  3. In Webkul\Ui\DataGrid\DataGrid.php abstract class, two abstract methods are declared prepareQueryBuilder() and addColumns(). We can prepare grid by defining these two methods

    • prepareQueryBuilder(): In this method, records are retrieved through queries that is applicable on database and stored in a collection. When records are retrieved, $this->setQueryBuilder($queryBuilder) setQueryBuilder method is called.

    • setQueryBuilder(): This method is written in DataGrid abstract class of Webkul Ui package. This is used for setting the $queryBuilder.

      public function prepareQueryBuilder()
          $queryBuilder = DB::table('attributes')
              ->addSelect('id', 'code', 'admin_name', 'type', 'is_required', 'is_unique', 'value_per_locale', 'value_per_channel');
    • addColumns(): In this method, the columns are created which are displayed in the grid. In this method, the parameter accepts the array in key-value pairs. Some of the essential keys are described below,

      Name functionality
      index This key is defined in the grid, and the value assigned to this key must be unique, so that data will be uniquely identified and operations performed will be based on your index value.
      label In this key, the name of the column is defined.
      type This key accepts the type of data in column.
      searchable This accepts boolean values true or false to make the column searchable.
      sortable This accepts boolean values true or false to make the column sortable.
      filterable This accepts boolean values true or false to make the column filterable.
      wrapper Perform actions based on condition satisfied or some customization to value.
      public function addColumns()
              'index' => 'id',
              'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.id'),
              'type' => 'number',
              'searchable' => false,
              'sortable' => true,
              'filterable' => true
              'index' => 'code',
              'label' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.code'),
              'type' => 'string',
              'searchable' => true,
              'sortable' => true,
              'filterable' => true
    • prepareActions(): Additionally, this method is defined when there is a need to perform any action such as edit or delete on the grid. In this method, addAction() is called to define particular action.

    • addAction(): It is used for adding actions (like edit, delete, etc) to each row generated by Datagrid.

      Name Functionality
      title The text to be displayed in written here.
      method HTTP methods are declared.
      route This key accepts the route of icon.
      icon Class of icon to be displayed in action column you may prefer text also.
      public function prepareActions()
              'title' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.edit'),
              'method' => 'GET',
              'route' => 'admin.catalog.attributes.edit',
              'icon' => 'icon pencil-lg-icon'
              'title' => trans('admin::app.datagrid.delete'),
              'method' => 'POST',
              'route' => 'admin.catalog.attributes.delete',
              'icon' => 'icon trash-icon'


  • Use JavaScript with wrapper property set to true when needed.
  • Return static blade files loaded with scripts in it with caution.

# Multiple DataGrids

As the default Datagrid will handle only a single request at a time which means filtration, sorting and many other operations will get conflicted when you try to implement the multiple DataGrids. To overcome this we have provided a trait ProvideDataGridPlus in the namespace Webkul\Ui\DataGrid\Traits.

  • Just take any of the Datagrid, let say ProductDataGrid in the namespace Webkul\Admin\DataGrids,

    namespace Webkul\Admin\DataGrids;
    class ProductDataGrid extends DataGrid
  • Import the ProvideDataGridPlus trait in the mentioned class,

    namespace Webkul\Admin\DataGrids;
    use Webkul\Ui\DataGrid\Traits\ProvideDataGridPlus;
    class ProductDataGrid extends DataGrid
        use ProvideDataGridPlus;
  • After that toJson() method will be available in the Datagrid instance which will provide data to the component.

  • Now you need to create one route and method from where the response will come. Let us take an example of the product listing page. Now go to ProductController in the namespace Webkul\Product\Http\Controllers, there is an index method, just use the toJson.

    use Webkul\Admin\DataGrids\ProductDataGrid;
    class ProductController extends Controller
         * Display a listing of the resource.
         * @return \Illuminate\View\View
        public function index()
            if (request()->ajax()) {
                return app(ProductDataGrid::class)->toJson();
            return view($this->_config['view']);
  • Now, in the view portion use this component i.e. datagrid-plus and add the url from where it will load the json data,

    <div class="page-content">
        <datagrid-plus src="{{ route('admin.catalog.products.index') }}"></datagrid-plus>
  • Done, your datagrid is ready.