# Blade Components

# Introduction

To ensure optimal user experience in Bagisto we have created several separate Blade components for the Shop and Admin packages. Now in Bagisto we have also merged the vue.js code inside the blade component to improve application performance.

Additionally, To learn in detail about blade components, you can visit the Laravel documentation here (opens new window).

  • Here are the list of Blade component that is available in Bagisto.

# Shop Component

Shop components are reusable Blade components used to build the shop. They manage product listings, shopping carts, checkout processes, and user interactions, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.

# Shop Accordion

Bagisto provides a collapsible accordion UI element, allowing users to toggle the visibility of content sections. It is commonly used for organizing and presenting information in a compact and intuitive manner.

Props Type Default Description
is-active Boolean false Determines the initial state of the accordion. When set to true, the accordion section will be expanded by default; otherwise, it will be collapsed.
Slots Description
header Used to customize the header section of the accordion.
content Used to customize the content section of the accordion.

You can customize the appearance of the accordion header and content by passing additional CSS classes to the header and content slots, respectively.

Let's assume you want to use the accordion component, you can call it like this:

<!-- Shop Accordion -->
    title="Shop Accordion" 
    <x-slot:header class="!py-2.5">
        Accordion Header

    <x-slot:content class="!p-0">
        Accordion Content

# Shop Breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs component generates breadcrumb navigation for the application.

Props Type Description
name String Specifies the name of the current page or resource.
entity Mixed Optional. Represents the entity associated with the current page. It could be an object, ID, or other data used to retrieve additional information for breadcrumb customization.

Let's assume you want to use the breadcrumbs component. You can call it like this:

<!-- Shop Accordion -->

By using the breadcrumbs component with these props, you can effectively enhance navigation within your shop application, providing users with clear paths to navigate through different sections or resources.

# Shop Button

The button component in Bagisto provides a versatile button element that supports loading state with a spinner animation. It offers flexibility in styling and functionality to suit various use cases within your application.

Prop Type Default Value Description
title String None Title text displayed on the button.
loading Boolean false Indicates whether the button is in a loading state.
button-type String 'button' Specifies the type of button ('button', 'submit', 'reset', etc.).
button-class String '' Additional classes for custom styling.

You can customize the appearance of the button by passing additional props loading buttonType buttonClass respectively.

Let's assume you want to use the button component. You can call it like this:

<!-- Shop Button -->
    class="secondary-button w-full max-w-full max-md:py-3 max-sm:rounded-lg max-sm:py-1.5"

# Shop Drawer

The drawer component in Bagisto provides a versatile drawer that can be positioned on the top, bottom, left, or right side of the screen. It allows you to create interactive drawers that can contain various content such as headers, body, and footer sections. The drawer can be toggled open or closed, providing a clean and efficient way to display additional information or functionality.

Props Type Default Value Description
is-active Boolean false Determines whether the drawer is initially active.
position String 'left' Specifies the position of the drawer (top, bottom, left, or right).
width String '500px' Specifies the width of the drawer.
Slots Description
toggle Slot for the toggle button or element.
header Slot for the header content.
content Slot for the main content.
footer Slot for the footer content.

You can customize the appearance of the Drawer by passing additional CSS.

  • To customize the header section, you can target the header slot with your own CSS classes or styles.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the content slot.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the footer slot.

Let's assume you want to use the drawer component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Drawer -->
        Drawer Toggle

    <x-slot:header class="bg-red-100"> <!-- Pass your custom css to customize header -->
        Drawer Header

    <x-slot:content class="!p-5">
        Drawer Content

# Shop Dropdown

The dropdown component in Bagisto provides a customizable dropdown menu that can be positioned at different locations relative to its toggle button. It enables you to create dropdown menus with various content sections such as toggle button, content, and menu items.

Prop Type Default Value Description
close-on-click Boolean true Determines whether the dropdown should close when clicking outside the menu.
position String 'bottom-left' Specifies the position of the dropdown menu relative to the toggle button (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right).
Slots Description
toggle Slot for the toggle button or element..
content Slot for the main content.
menu Slot for the menu items..

To customize the content section, you can target the content slot with your own CSS classes or styles.

Let's assume you want to use the dropdown component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Dropdown -->
<x-shop::dropdown position="bottom-left">
        Dropdown Toggle

    <x-slot:content class="!m-0">
        Dropdown Content

            Menu Item 1
            Menu Item 2

# Shop Flat-Picker

The datetime-picker and date-picker components provide date and time picker functionality within Bagisto applications. These components are based on the Flatpickr library and offer customizable options for selecting dates and times.

It can be configured with various props to customize its behavior according to application requirements.

Prop Type Default Value Description
name String None Name attribute for the input field.
value String None Initial value of the date picker.
allow-input Boolean true Determines whether manual input is allowed in the input field.
disable Array [] Array of dates to disable in the date picker.

Let's assume you want to use the flat-picker component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Date picker -->
<x-shop::flat-picker.date ::allow-input="false">

# Shop Data Grid

The datagrid component in Bagisto applications provides a flexible and customizable data grid interface for displaying tabular data. It includes features such as sorting, filtering, pagination, and mass actions to manage data efficiently.

You can customize the appearance of the DataGrid by referring to the DataGrid Customization (opens new window) documentation.

Let's assume you want to use the datagrid component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Datagrid -->
<x-shop::datagrid :src="route('shop.customers.account.orders.index')" />

# Shop Tabs

The Tabs component allows users to navigate between different content sections using tabs. It consists of two main parts: the tabs component for managing the tabs and the tab-item component for defining individual tab items.

Prop Type Default Value Description
position String 'left' Specifies the position of the tabs (left, right, center).

# Tab Item Component Props

The tab-item component represents an individual tab within the tabs component:

Prop Type Default Value Description
title String None Title of the tab.
is-selected Boolean false Indicates whether the tab is selected (true) or not (false). Default is false.

You can customize the tabs and their content as per your requirements.

Let's assume you want to use the tabs component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Tab -->
<x-shop::tabs position="center">
        <div class="container mt-[60px] max-1180:px-5">
            <p class="text-[#6E6E6E] text-lg max-1180:text-sm">
                Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

        <div class="container mt-[60px] max-1180:px-5">
            <p class="text-[#6E6E6E] text-lg max-1180:text-sm">
                Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

# Shop Tinymce

The tinymce component wraps the Tinymce editor and provides additional functionalities like AI content generation.

Props Type Default Value Description
selector String '' The CSS selector for the textarea element to initialize as TinyMCE.
field Object {} Vue Formulate field object.
prompt String '' The prompt to be used for AI content generation.

Let's assume you want to use the tinymce component on admin and shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Tinymce -->

# Shop Shimmer

Prebuilt shimmer effects are available in Bagisto. You can easily use them.

Let's assume you want to use the shimmer You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop shimmer -->
<x-shop::shimmer.datagrid />

# Shop Quantity Changer

The Quantity Changer component, provides a simple interface for users to increase or decrease a quantity value.

Props Type Default Value Description
name String '' The name attribute for the hidden input field.
value Number 1 The initial quantity value.

Let's assume you want to use the Quantity Changer component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Quantity changer -->
    class="gap-x-4 rounded-xl px-7 py-4"

# Shop Table

The Table component provides a structured way to display tabular data in Bagisto. You can customize the appearance of the table elements using CSS. Below are some common customization options:

Styling Description
Table Apply custom styles to the table element to change its appearance, such as borders, padding, and background color.
Cell Customize the appearance of th and td elements using CSS, such as font size, text alignment, and background color.
Row Apply styles to tr elements to change their appearance, such as background color, hover effects, and borders.
Header Customize the appearance of the header cells within the thead section using th elements. Apply styles such as font weight, text color, and background color.

Let's assume you want to use the Table component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Table -->
                Heading 1

                Heading 2

                Heading 3

                Heading 4

                Column 1

                Column 2

                Column 3

                Column 4

# Shop Modal

The modal component in Bagisto provides a flexible way to create modal dialogs. It allows you to display content in a layer that floats above the rest of the page.

Props Type Default Value Description
is-active Boolean false Controls the visibility of the modal.
Slot Description
toggle Used for the element that toggles the visibility of the modal.
header Allows customization of the modal header content.
content Provides a slot for the main body content of the modal.
footer Allows customization of the footer content within the modal.

You can customize the appearance of the Modal by passing additional CSS.

  • To customize the header section, you can target the header slot with your own CSS classes or styles.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the content slot.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the footer slot.

Let's assume you want to use the modal component, You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Modal-->
        Modal Toggle

        Modal Header

        Modal Content

# Shop Media(Image)

The Media component in Bagisto provides a user interface for managing and displaying images/videos, allowing users to upload, edit, and delete images.:

Prop Name Type Default Value Description
name String 'attachments' Specifies the name of the input field for uploaded media.
is-multiple Boolean false Indicates whether multiple media files can be uploaded at once.
rules String '' Validation rules for uploaded files (e.g., file size, type).
accepted-types String 'image/*, video/*' MIME types accepted for file upload (e.g., image/jpeg).
src String '' Default media URL to display when initializing the component.

Let's assume you want to use the Image/Video component, You can call it like this.

<!-- Image Component -->
    class="h-[110px] max-w-[110px] rounded-xl max-md:h-20 max-md:max-w-20"

# Admin Component

Admin components are reusable Blade components used to build the Admin.

# Admin Accordion

Bagisto provides a collapsible accordion UI element, allowing users to toggle the visibility of content sections. It is commonly used for organizing and presenting information in a compact and intuitive manner.

Props Type Default Description
is-active Boolean false Determines the initial state of the accordion. When set to true, the accordion section will be expanded by default; otherwise, it will be collapsed.
Slots Description
header Used to customize the header section of the accordion.
content Used to customize the content section of the accordion.

You can customize the appearance of the accordion header and content by passing additional CSS classes to the header and content slots, respectively.

Let's assume you want to use the accordion component, you can call it like this:

<!-- Admin Accordion -->
    title="Admin Accordion" 
    <x-slot:header class="bg-gray-200">
        Accordion Header

    <x-slot:content class="bg-green-200">
        Accordion Content

# Admin Button

The button component in Bagisto provides a versatile button element that supports loading state with a spinner animation. It offers flexibility in styling and functionality to suit various use cases within your application.

Prop Type Default Value Description
title String None Title text displayed on the button.
loading Boolean false Indicates whether the button is in a loading state.
button-type String 'button' Specifies the type of button ('button', 'submit', 'reset', etc.).
button-class String '' Additional classes for custom styling.

You can customize the appearance of the button by passing additional props loading buttonType buttonClass respectively.

Let's assume you want to use the button component. You can call it like this:

<!-- Admin Button -->
    class="secondary-button w-full max-w-full max-md:py-3 max-sm:rounded-lg max-sm:py-1.5"

# Admin Charts

The charts-bar and charts-line components in Bagisto provide easy-to-use chart components for displaying bar and line charts respectively. These components are based on the Chart.js library and offer customization options for labels, datasets, and aspect ratio to create visually appealing charts in your Bagisto application.

Prop Type Default Value Description
labels Array (required) None An array of labels for the x-axis of the chart.
datasets Array (required) None An array of datasets containing data points for the chart.
aspectRatio Number 3.23 Optional. Aspect ratio of the chart (width / height).

You can customize the appearance of the bar chart by providing different datasets with colors, labels, and data points. Additionally, you can adjust the aspect ratio of the chart by setting the aspect-ratio prop.

Let's assume you want to use the charts component. You can call it like this.

    Chart | Line Chart Component

    Note: To use charts, you need to require the Chart.js library.

    Chart | Bar Chart Component

    Note: To use charts, you need to require the Chart.js library.

# Admin Drawer

The drawer component in Bagisto provides a versatile drawer that can be positioned on the top, bottom, left, or right side of the screen. It allows you to create interactive drawers that can contain various content such as headers, body, and footer sections. The drawer can be toggled open or closed, providing a clean and efficient way to display additional information or functionality.

Props Type Default Value Description
is-active Boolean false Determines whether the drawer is initially active.
position String 'left' Specifies the position of the drawer (top, bottom, left, or right).
width String '500px' Specifies the width of the drawer.
Slots Description
toggle Slot for the toggle button or element.
header Slot for the header content.
content Slot for the main content.
footer Slot for the footer content.

You can customize the appearance of the Drawer by passing additional CSS.

  • To customize the header section, you can target the header slot with your own CSS classes or styles.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the content slot.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the footer slot.

Let's assume you want to use the drawer component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Drawer -->
        Drawer Toggle

    <x-slot:header class="bg-red-100">  <!-- Pass your custom css to customize header -->
        Drawer Header

    <x-slot:content class="!p-5"> <!-- Pass your custom css to customize header -->
        Drawer Content

# Admin Dropdown

The dropdown component in Bagisto provides a customizable dropdown menu that can be positioned at different locations relative to its toggle button. It enables you to create dropdown menus with various content sections such as toggle button, content, and menu items.

Prop Type Default Value Description
close-on-click Boolean true Determines whether the dropdown should close when clicking outside the menu.
position String 'bottom-left' Specifies the position of the dropdown menu relative to the toggle button (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right).
Slots Description
toggle Slot for the toggle button or element..
content Slot for the main content.
menu Slot for the menu items..

To customize the content section, you can target the content slot with your own CSS classes or styles.

Let's assume you want to use the dropdown component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Dropdown -->
<x-admin::dropdown position="bottom-left"> 
        Dropdown Toggle

    <x-slot:content class="!p-0">
        Dropdown Content

            Menu Item 1
            Menu Item 2

# Admin Flat-Picker

The datetime-picker and date-picker components provide date and time picker functionality within Bagisto applications. These components are based on the Flatpickr library and offer customizable options for selecting dates and times.

It can be configured with various props to customize its behavior according to application requirements.

Prop Type Default Value Description
name String None Name attribute for the input field.
value String None Initial value of the date picker.
allow-input Boolean true Determines whether manual input is allowed in the input field.
disable Array [] Array of dates to disable in the date picker.

Let's assume you want to use the flat-picker component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin DateTime Picker -->
<x-admin::flat-picker.date ::allow-input="false">

# Admin Data Grid

The datagrid component in Bagisto applications provides a flexible and customizable data grid interface for displaying tabular data. It includes features such as sorting, filtering, pagination, and mass actions to manage data efficiently.

You can customize the appearance of the DataGrid by referring to the DataGrid Customization (opens new window) documentation.

Let's assume you want to use the datagrid component. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Datagrid -->
<x-admin::datagrid :src="route('admin.catalog.products.index')" />

# Admin Tabs

The Tabs component allows users to navigate between different content sections using tabs. It consists of two main parts: the tabs component for managing the tabs and the tab-item component for defining individual tab items.

Prop Type Default Value Description
position String 'left' Specifies the position of the tabs (left, right, center).

# Tab Item Component Props

The tab-item component represents an individual tab within the tabs component:

Prop Type Default Value Description
title String None Title of the tab.
is-selected Boolean false Indicates whether the tab is selected (true) or not (false). Default is false.

You can customize the tabs and their content as per your requirements.

Let's assume you want to use the tabs component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Shop Tab -->
<x-admin::tabs position="center">
        <div class="container mt-[60px] max-1180:px-5">
            <p class="text-[#6E6E6E] text-lg max-1180:text-sm">
                Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

        <div class="container mt-[60px] max-1180:px-5">
            <p class="text-[#6E6E6E] text-lg max-1180:text-sm">
                Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

# Admin Tinymce

The tinymce component wraps the Tinymce editor and provides additional functionalities like AI content generation.

Props Type Default Value Description
selector String '' The CSS selector for the textarea element to initialize as TinyMCE.
field Object {} Vue Formulate field object.
prompt String '' The prompt to be used for AI content generation.

Let's assume you want to use the tinymce component on admin and shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Tinymce -->

# Admin Shimmer

Prebuilt shimmer effects are available in Bagisto. You can easily use them.

Let's assume you want to use the shimmer You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin shimmer -->
<x-admin::shimmer.datagrid />

# Admin SEO

The seo component, assists in managing SEO-related metadata for your pages. It dynamically updates the meta title and description based on user input and provides a preview of the generated SEO metadata.

Props Type Default Value Description
slug String '' URL slug for the page.

Let's assume you want to use the seo component. You can call it like this, It offers a convenient way to generate and display SEO-friendly content for web pages.

<x-admin::seo slug="page" />

# Admin Quantity Changer

The Quantity Changer component, provides a simple interface for users to increase or decrease a quantity value.

Props Type Default Value Description
name String '' The name attribute for the hidden input field.
value Number 1 The initial quantity value.

Let's assume you want to use the Quantity Changer component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Quantity changer -->
    class="w-max gap-x-4 rounded-l px-4 py-1"

# Admin Table

The Table component provides a structured way to display tabular data in Bagisto. You can customize the appearance of the table elements using CSS. Below are some common customization options:

Styling Description
Table Apply custom styles to the table element to change its appearance, such as borders, padding, and background color.
Cell Customize the appearance of th and td elements using CSS, such as font size, text alignment, and background color.
Row Apply styles to tr elements to change their appearance, such as background color, hover effects, and borders.
Header Customize the appearance of the header cells within the thead section using th elements. Apply styles such as font weight, text color, and background color.

Let's assume you want to use the Table component on shop. You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Table -->
                Heading 1

                Heading 2

                Heading 3

                Heading 4

                Column 1

                Column 2

                Column 3

                Column 4

# Admin Modal

The modal component in Bagisto provides a flexible way to create modal dialogs. It allows you to display content in a layer that floats above the rest of the page.

Props Type Default Value Description
is-active Boolean false Controls the visibility of the modal.
Slot Description
toggle Used for the element that toggles the visibility of the modal.
header Allows customization of the modal header content.
content Provides a slot for the main body content of the modal.
footer Allows customization of the footer content within the modal.

You can customize the appearance of the Modal by passing additional CSS.

  • To customize the header section, you can target the header slot with your own CSS classes or styles.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the content slot.
  • Similarly, you can customize the content section using the footer slot.

Let's assume you want to use the modal component, You can call it like this.

<!-- Admin Modal -->
        Modal Toggle

        Modal Header

        Modal Content

# Admin Tree

The Tree component in Bagisto enables you to display hierarchical data in a tree-like structure, with support for checkboxes or radio buttons for selection.

Props Type Default Value Description
input-type String 'checkbox' Specifies the type of input to use for selection. Can be either checkbox or radio.
selection-type String 'hierarchical' Specifies the selection type. Can be 'hierarchical' or 'individual'.
name-field String 'permissions' The field name to use as the identifier for each tree node.
value-field String 'value' The field name to use as the value for each tree node.
id-field String 'id' The field name to use as the unique identifier for each tree node.
label-field String 'name' The field name to use as the label for each tree node.
children-field String 'children' The field name to use for nesting child nodes within each tree node.
items Array, String, Object [] The hierarchical data to be displayed in the tree structure.
value Array, String, Object [] The selected values.
fallback-locale String 'en' The fallback locale to use for translations.
collapse Boolean false Determines whether the tree nodes are initially collapsed (true) or expanded (false).

Let's assume you want to use the tree component, You can call it like this.


# Admin Media(Image/Video)

The Media component in Bagisto provides a user interface for managing and displaying images/videos, allowing users to upload, edit, and delete images.:

Props Type Default Value Description
name String The name of the input field.
allow-multiple Boolean false Whether to allow uploading multiple images.
show-placeholders Boolean true Whether to show placeholder images when no images are uploaded.
uploaded-images Array [] Array of uploaded images.
uploaded-videos Array [] Array of uploaded videos.
width String '100%' Width of the image container.
height String 'auto' Height of the image container.

Let's assume you want to use the Image/Video component, You can call it like this.

<!-- Image Component -->

<!-- Video Component -->