# Docker

# Introduction

Docker (opens new window) is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. Docker can also be used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications using the Docker Compose tool.

With the help of Docker Compose, you can define containers to be built, their configuration, links, volumes, ports, etc., in a single file, and it gets launched by a single command. You can also add multiple servers and services just by adding them to the Docker Compose configuration file. This configuration file is in YAML (opens new window) format.

# Application Data and Database Volume Persistence

It is recommended to keep your application files and database data volume on the Docker host and mount them on the running container. This ensures that the application and database data persistence even in the case of containers' failure or termination. In this way, even if you destroy containers, your data won't get lost unless you remove them forcefully. This compose configuration file mounts the application directory app and database volume dbvolume from the host to running Docker containers at the time of containers' launch.

# Installation & Setup

# First steps

Before you can launch Bagisto in a Docker environment, you need to install the latest versions of Docker and Docker Compose.

# Configure the Docker container

Once Docker and Docker Compose are installed, you need to create a docker-compose.yml file. The docker-compose.yml configuration file requires the following inputs from the user:

# Webserver configuration

In the web_server service block, assign your system's working user UID to the USER_UID environment variable. To find your user ID, run the following command on Linux or macOS:

id -u

# Database configuration

In the database_server service block, assign the MySQL database name, MySQL database user name, MySQL database user password, and MySQL root password to the MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, and MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variables, respectively.

# Clone configuration from GitHub

You can make use of our repository from GitHub by cloning it into your new directory:

git clone https://github.com/bagisto/bagisto-docker.git .

# Manual configuration

Alternatively, you can create a new folder, for example, bagisto-docker, and manually create the docker-compose.yml file inside it. Add the following content to docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'


    image: webkul/apache-php:latest
    container_name: apache2
    restart: always
      - ./app:/var/www/html
    working_dir: /var/www/html/
      USER_UID: 'mention your system user ID here. ex: 1001, 1000, 33, etc'
      - bagisto-network
      - '80:80'
      - '80'
      - database_server
      - database_server

    image: mysql:5.7
    container_name: mysql
    restart: always
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'mention the name of the database to be created here. eg: mydatabase'
      MYSQL_USER: 'mention database user here. eg: mydatabase_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'mention database user password here. ex: mystrongPassword'
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'mention mysql root password here. ex: mysqlstrongpass'
      MYSQL_ROOT_HOST: '%'
      - bagisto-network
      - '3306:3306'
      - '3306'
      - ./dbvolume:/var/lib/mysql



# Downloading the Docker Image

To download the Docker images for Apache-PHP version 7.3 and MySQL version 5.7, execute the following command:

docker-compose pull

# Launching the Docker Container

Execute the following command to create a network and launch web server and database containers with the names apache2 and mysql respectively. It will also create new directories app and dbvolume within your current directory and mount them to the respective Docker containers as specified in the docker-compose.yml file. Additionally, it binds your host port 80 to the Apache2 container's port 80, and your host port 3306 to the MySQL container's port 3306. If you wish to use different ports for the containers, modify their values in the docker-compose.yml file.

docker-compose up -d

# Monitoring Your Container(s)

To check the running Docker containers, use the following commands:

docker ps OR docker-compose ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS             PORTS                               NAMES
62a10346b84a   webkul/apache-php:latest   "/usr/bin/supervisord"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>80/tcp                  apache2
90a0a2e0e46b   mysql:5.7                  "docker-entrypoint.sā€¦"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   mysql

# Configuring Bagisto

After setting up your environment, you can proceed with the installation of Bagisto. There are two ways to install Bagisto: either from Github or using composer.

# Install without Composer

To install Bagisto without using composer, follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release (opens new window) and save it in the app/bagisto directory.
  2. Open the .env file located inside the app/bagisto directory.
  3. Set the following environment variables as shown below:

Run the following commands to install Bagisto.

docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan migrate'" 
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan db:seed'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan vendor:publish'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan storage:link'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'composer dump-autoload -d bagisto'"

Mention the database details same as docker-compose.yml and admin details.

# Install with composer

The following commands will be exexcuted within the docker container

docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'composer create-project bagisto/bagisto'"

Open the .env file inside app/bagisto directory and set the following environment variables listed below:


To install Bagisto, execute the following commands:

docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan migrate'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan db:seed'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan vendor:publish'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'php bagisto/artisan storage:link'"
docker exec -i apache2 bash -c "su - www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'composer dump-autoload -d bagisto'"

Bagisto has been successfully installed and is now ready to use. To access it, open your web browser and enter your server's IP address or domain name.

# Configuring Apache

By default, the Apache document root is set to /var/www/html/public_html. Additionally, the app directory on your host machine is mapped to the html directory inside the container. To ensure proper configuration, we need to create a symlink of bagisto/public in the app directory that points to /var/www/html/public_html.

To create the symlink, follow the steps below:

On Linux or macOS, run the following command:

cd app; ln -snf bagisto/public public_html

On Windows, run the following command:

cd app
mklink bagisto/public public_html

# Ready to Use

# Admin Login:

You can access the admin interface by visiting http://your_server_endpoint/admin (opens new window) and logging in with the following credentials:

Email Password
admin@example.com admin123

# Customer Login:

To access your store, visit http://your_server_endpoint/ (opens new window).