# Admin Theme

# Introduction

In Bagisto, the flexibility to customize the look and feel of your admin panel allows you to create a more personalized and efficient backend experience. This guide provides a step-by-step process to configure and create a new admin theme. By following these instructions, you will be able to set up custom views and assets, tailoring the admin interface to better suit your brand and operational needs.

# Configuration

To configure the admin theme in Bagisto, follow these steps:

  • Locate the themes.php file inside the config folder located in your project's root directory. Look for the keys admin-default and admin. The configuration will appear as follows:
return [
    'admin-default' => 'default',

    'admin' => [
        'default' => [
            'name'        => 'Default',
            'assets_path' => 'public/themes/admin/default',
            'views_path'  => 'resources/admin-themes/default/views',

            'vite'        => [
                'hot_file'                 => 'admin-default-vite.hot',
                'build_directory'          => 'themes/admin/default/build',
                'package_assets_directory' => 'src/Resources/assets',
Key Description
admin-default Sets the current theme for the admin area
admin Stores a list of available themes

# Creating a Theme

To create a new admin theme, follow these steps

# Add a New Theme Entry

Update the themes.php file inside the config folder to include your new theme. Add the new theme entry under the admin array:

return [
    'admin-default' => 'default',

    'admin' => [
        'default' => [
            'name'        => 'Default',
            'assets_path' => 'public/themes/admin/default',
            'views_path'  => 'resources/admin-themes/default/views',

            'vite'        => [
                'hot_file'                 => 'admin-default-vite.hot',
                'build_directory'          => 'themes/admin/default/build',
                'package_assets_directory' => 'src/Resources/assets',

        'new-theme' => [
            'name'        => 'new-theme',
            'assets_path' => 'public/themes/admin/new-theme',
            'views_path'  => 'resources/admin-themes/new-theme/views',

            'vite'        => [
                'hot_file'                 => 'admin-new-theme-vite.hot',
                'build_directory'          => 'themes/admin/new-theme/build',
                'package_assets_directory' => 'src/Resources/assets',

# Specify the Path to Views and Assets

Ensure the paths to the views and assets folders are according to your desired structure. For example

  • Views structure:

    - resources
    └── admin-themes
        └── new-theme
            └── views
  • Assets structure:

    - public
    └── admin-themes
        └── new-theme
            └── assets

# Customize the Dashboard Page

Create the directory structure for the dashboard page in the new-theme folder, mirroring the structure in the default folder. For example:

- resources
    └── admin-themes
        └── new-theme
            └── views
                └── dashboard
                    └── index.blade.php

Add the desired content for the dashboard page in the index.blade.php file. For example:

New Theme Sample

# Activate the New Theme

Change the value of the admin-default key in the config/themes.php file to activate the new theme

'admin-default' => 'new-theme',

Now, when you access the dashboard page in the admin area, you should see the customized version provided by the new theme