# Data Transfer

# Introduction

Creating a custom data import functionality in Bagisto enables seamless bulk data import operations directly from the admin panel under the Settings Menu. This feature is particularly useful for efficiently managing large datasets within your application.

# Implement Custom Data Import

To implement custom data import in your application, follow these structured steps within your package directory:

# Create Importer File

Start by creating an Importer.php file under the Helpers/Importers directory of your package. Here's a simplified representation of the directory structure:

   └── packages
       └── Webkul
           └── Blog
               ├── ...
               └── src
                   └── ...
                   └── Helpers
                       └── ...
                       └── Importers
                           ├── ...
                           └── FileName
                               └── Importer.php             

Here inside the Helpers/Importers folder, the FileName folder is for which section we are implementing the import method.

# Implement Importer Logic

Within the Importer.php file, implement the necessary logic for handling data validation and batch processing. Below is an example implementation:


    namespace Webkul\Blog\Helpers\BlogImage;

    use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
    use Webkul\Blog\Contracts\BlogImageBatch as BlogImageContract;
    use Webkul\Blog\Repositories\ImportBatchRepository;
    use Webkul\DataTransfer\Helpers\Import;
    use Webkul\DataTransfer\Helpers\Importers\AbstractImporter;

    class Importer extends AbstractImporter
         * Error code for non existing identifier
        const ERROR_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DELETE = 'identifier_not_found_to_delete';

         * Error code for duplicated identifier
        const ERROR_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER = 'duplicated_identifier';

         * Permanent entity columns
        protected array $validColumnNames = [

         * Error message templates
        protected array $messages = [
            self::ERROR_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DELETE => 'data_transfer::app.importers.tax-rates.validation.errors.identifier-not-found',
            self::ERROR_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER            => 'data_transfer::app.importers.tax-rates.validation.errors.duplicate-identifier',

         * Permanent entity columns
         * @var string[]
        protected $permanentAttributes = ['identifier'];

         * Identifiers storage
        protected array $identifiers = [];

         * Create a new helper instance.
         * @return void
        public function __construct(
            protected ImportBatchRepository $importBatchRepository,
            protected Storage $taxRateStorage
        ) {

         * Initialize Product error templates
        protected function initErrorMessages(): void
            foreach ($this->messages as $errorCode => $message) {
                $this->errorHelper->addErrorMessage($errorCode, trans($message));


         * Validate data.
        public function validateData(): void


         * Validates row
        public function validateRow(array $rowData, int $rowNumber): bool
             * If row is already validated than no need for further validation
            if (isset($this->validatedRows[$rowNumber])) {
                return ! $this->errorHelper->isRowInvalid($rowNumber);

            $this->validatedRows[$rowNumber] = true;

             * If import action is delete than no need for further validation
            if ($this->import->action == Import::ACTION_DELETE) {
                if (! $this->isIdentifierExist($rowData['identifier'])) {
                    $this->skipRow($rowNumber, self::ERROR_IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND_FOR_DELETE);

                    return false;

                return true;

             * Validate product attributes
            $validator = Validator::make($rowData, [
                'identifier'   => 'required|string',
                'is_zip_range' => 'sometimes|boolean',
                'zip_code'     => 'nullable|required_if:is_zip_range,0',
                'zip_from'     => 'nullable|required_if:is_zip_range,1',
                'zip_to'       => 'nullable|required_if:is_zip_range,1',
                'country'      => 'required|string',
                'tax_rate'     => 'required|numeric|min:0.0001',

            if ($validator->fails()) {
                $failedAttributes = $validator->failed();

                foreach ($validator->errors()->getMessages() as $attributeCode => $message) {
                    $errorCode = array_key_first($failedAttributes[$attributeCode] ?? []);

                    $this->skipRow($rowNumber, $errorCode, $attributeCode, current($message));

             * Check if identifier is unique
            if (! in_array($rowData['identifier'], $this->identifiers)) {
                $this->identifiers[] = $rowData['identifier'];
            } else {
                $message = sprintf(

                $this->skipRow($rowNumber, self::ERROR_DUPLICATE_IDENTIFIER, 'identifier', $message);

            return ! $this->errorHelper->isRowInvalid($rowNumber);

         * Start the import process
        public function importBatch(BlogImageContract $batch): bool
            Event::dispatch('data_transfer.imports.batch.import.before', $batch);

            if ($batch->import->action == Import::ACTION_DELETE) {
            } else {

             * Update import batch summary
            $batch = $this->importBatchRepository->update([
                'state' => Import::STATE_PROCESSED,

                'summary'      => [
                    'created' => $this->getCreatedItemsCount(),
                    'updated' => $this->getUpdatedItemsCount(),
                    'deleted' => $this->getDeletedItemsCount(),
            ], $batch->id);

            Event::dispatch('data_transfer.imports.batch.import.after', $batch);

            return true;

         * Check if identifier exists
        public function isIdentifierExist(string $identifier): bool
            return $this->taxRateStorage->has($identifier);

         * Prepare row data to save into the database
        protected function prepareRowForDb(array $rowData): array
            $rowData = parent::prepareRowForDb($rowData);

            $rowData['is_zip'] = $rowData['is_zip_range'] ?? 0;

            return Arr::except($rowData, 'is_zip_range');

This structured explanation provides a clear overview of the steps involved in setting up and implementing a custom data import feature in Bagisto

  • validateRow(): This method is responsible for validating all the rows of your .csv files. It checks for required fields, data types, and performs other validation checks.

  • importBatch(): This method imports all the rows of your .csv files into a batch file and then imports them into the database in a queue. It handles the processing of the data and updates the import batch summary.

These methods play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and accuracy of the imported data. They help in identifying and handling errors, such as missing or duplicate identifiers, and provide a smooth data transfer process.