# Cart Rules

To Add cart-rules, you need to explore promotions menu -> Cart Rules. Here, we have a option to Add Cart Rule . Options you will find in creating cart rules as below:

  • General Information

    1. Rule Name: the name of cart rule is given
    2. Description: the description of cart rule is given
    3. Start: From the date & time, the cart rule will be applicable
    4. End: upto the date & time, the cart rule will be applicable
    5. Customer Groups: Bydefault, we have provided three option of customer group as 'guest', 'general', 'wholesale'. But, if needed, we can create customer groups from customers -> groups menu.
    6. Channels: this multi-select box shows the available channels
    7. Is active: this accepts the boolean value of enable/disable cart rule
    8. Use Coupon: this accepts the boolean value for enable/disable coupons
    9. Priority: this sets the priority of one cart rule over another
  • Conditions

    Within this, two dropdown options are available

    1. All Conditions are true: We have an option to add condition based on which cart rule will implement if all the conditions are true.
    2. Any condition is true: We have an option to add condition based on which cart rule will implement if in all listed condition any condition is true.
  • Actions

The section provides actions on cart rules on multiple criteria. For this, we have an multiple form-fields i.e.,

  1. Apply:

    • Percentage of product
    • Apply as fixed amount
  2. Discount Amount: This field based on above apply field i.e.,

    • If percentage of product is selected then this field accepts the percent value which will be the amount of percentage apply as a discount on product.

    • If apply as fixed amount is selected then the specified amount in this field will be deducted/reduced from the product price

  3. Buy Atleast: It accepts numeric value that determine how many product quantity need to be purchase to apply cart rule/discount

  4. Max. Quantity Allowed To Be Discounted: In this, we specifies on how many product quantity discount will be applied.

  5. Free Shipping: Accepts boolean value for enable/disable free shipping means no delivery charges

  6. Apply to shipping: Accepts boolean value and determines whether discount applies to shipping cost or not.

  7. End other rules: Accepts boolean value to enable/disbale other discount i.e., If non-couponables rules are applied such as offer, sale etc. Then, there is no need to apply coupons.