# Bagisto GraphQL Admin APIs

Bagisto GraphQL Admin API is a medium to use the features of the core Bagisto Admin System. By using Bagisto GraphQL Admin API, you can integrate your application to serve the default content of Bagisto.

To download and contribute: Bagisto GraphQL API GitHub (opens new window)

# Key Features

  • Bagisto GraphQL API provides a complete and understandable description of the data.
  • Authentication: Customer Authentication with Login Details.
  • Authentication: Admin Authentication with Login Details.
  • Provide access to performed CRUD operations.
  • Provide the option to filter the responses based on attribute fields.
  • The Framework supports the pagination which helps to increase the performance of application.
  • Get many resources in a single request.

# Request

  • http(s)://example.com/graphql

# Where can I use Bagisto GraphQL APIs?

We can use the Bagisto GraphQL APIs in different areas. Some of them are:

  • To build a PWA (Progressive Web Application) application, which uses modern web capabilities to deliver an application like experience to the users and provide more user friendly experience than a web application.

  • Use to integrate an Online-Shopping Mobile Application with the Bagisto Store to help the customers make purchase.

  • Use to integrate with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems Like: HubSpot, Salesforce etc. which allows you to manage the business relationships with your customers to help you grow your business.

  • To provide exactly what you need and nothing more.

  • To get Predictable result.

  • Applications using GraphQL can be quick even on slow mobile network connections.

  • Applications for devices where bandwidth usage matters.