# Performance
In the realm of online stores, web vitals (opens new window) have become increasingly crucial. Bagisto prioritizes good LCP (opens new window) and CLS (opens new window) to ensure optimal user experience.
Additionally, Bagisto has seamlessly integrated ElasticSearch (opens new window) to further enhance user experience.
# Indexing
When dealing with large volumes of data and retrieving complex information like variants and prices, optimizing queries becomes a challenge.
To enhance Bagisto's performance, the following indexers play a crucial role:
- Inventory
- Price
- ElasticSearch
# Inventory
This indexer focuses on indexing the inventory of the website for various product types such as configurable, grouped, and bundled products.
# Price
The price indexer manages the prices of the aforementioned product types.
# ElasticSearch
As Elastic is designed to handle large amounts of data and provide fast and scalable search capabilities, Bagisto leverages its capabilities to index all products, thereby significantly enhancing the search functionality.